Both sellers and buyers should seriously consider using a licensed and bonded cemetery brokerage service like Hye Cemetery Brokers Inc.
By working with a broker, both parties will have a knowledgeable person guiding them throughout the entire process of purchasing and/or selling a cemetery plot, making sure all paperwork is in order and legitimate, cemetery property is properly transferred to buyer, and the seller will have the peace of mind and confidence that the money exchange is done legally. It pays to have the reassurance knowing there is someone on your side to guarantee the full payment after the deed is transferred to buyer.
Both buyers and sellers will be on the safe side when they work with Hye Cemetery Brokers Inc.
We have Buy-Back programs where we buy back cemetery plots at local cemeteries such as Forest Lawn – Hollywood Hills, Forest Lawn – Glendale, and Valhalla Memorial Park. Occasionally, we also offer Buy-Back programs at Forest Lawn – Covina Hills, Forest Lawn – Cypress, Forest Lawn – Long Beach, Rose Hills Memorial Park, Eternal Valley Memorial Park, Hollywood Forever Cemetery, and Oakdale Cemetery.
Title transfers in most cases takes place at the cemetery’s local or main office. Every cemetery has different deed processing times. Most cemeteries will usually mail out the completed deed(s) to buyers within 4-8 weeks, but this may vary depending on how busy they are. In case of emergencies, that process is done within 24-48 hours.
Sellers will receive their payments immediately if they are present at the time of deed transfer, or within 1-3 business days after property is sold and transferred to buyer, if the sellers are not present at the time of deed transfer. Sometimes it can take up to 7 business days if the seller lives out-of-state.
We will mail your check within 1-2 business days via USPS certified mail after your property is transferred to buyer.
English, Russian, and Armenian.
Physical presence is preferable, but not necessary. If buyers or sellers are not able to be present for the title transfer process of the cemetery property, then a quit claim deed or transfer agreement must be signed at your local notary public’s office and be mailed or dropped off at the cemetery for final approval.
An impending funeral or a loss of a loved one will be considered as an urgent case and cemetery property title transfer can be done within 24-48 hours, or sometimes sooner.